Monday, September 7, 2015

A Letter to Abigail--Summer of 2015

A letter to our daughter Abigail as she waits for us in China.

 To our Dearest Abigail,

 The summer of 2015 was a summer like we had never seen before.

 Where do I even begin to sum up all that happened in your home and in our hearts these past  couple of months?

If I had to give this summer a title it would definitely be;    
                                                       The Summer of Waiting....

 We were waiting for the final approval from China to adopt you.  I can not even begin to describe how painful that wait was.  

 But, God was right there teaching your Mom many things about waiting and giving complete control over to Him.  

                            You see God is so good!  He won't leave you the way you are.  
                                          He wants to come in and complete you! 
                         He wants to heal you and give you that peace that your heart longs for.

             Here is the verse God gave me during this time of waiting.  When you get home you will see that verse on our counter in our kitchen.

Well on August 19th we received the email that told us we had that final approval to adopt YOU!

                                                               Simply Beautiful!

 Now, I have to tell you how God orchestrated your extended family and friends to bless us beyond what we could have imagined. 

One day a friend of mine took me aside and shared that their family really wanted to help us bring you home.  She shared that she and her husband had gone to a certain organization on our behalf and shared our story about adopting you and our story about the flood that hit your home this past summer.

 About the flood... Everything is OK with your home now.  But, we had to walk through some pretty scary days BUT, you know what God was right there too!  Your family was protected and it was only "stuff" that we lost.  

God has promised to redeem all that pain and we are already seeing where He is working it out for our good. 

                                                    Now, back to the story!  

This friend of Mommy's told her she and her husband went before this organization on our behalf and asked them to help us out financially.  And Guess What!!  They absolutely AMAZED us with what they gave us!!  

You see Abigail we serve a God that fights for us!  We had ABSOLUTELY no idea this was being done and all of this was put together during the painful  weeks we were recovering from the flood. 

 We didn't know what God was putting together BEHIND the scenes.  You see He really likes to work that way, Behind the Scenes.

                                        Here are some more ways friends and family
                                                    blessed us this past summer!!
  • Friends and Family stood by us and helped restore our home and our spirits after the flood.
  • I opened a bag that was given to us for our garage sale and inside it was the exact baby carrier I wanted to bring to China to carry you around in!!  It was from a good friend of your Mom's and she said keep it and use it!!  I can't wait to use it with you in China!!
  • A friend of mine in our co op just "happens" to have a daughter about your size and we are going to try out that carrier and make sure it is going to work for you!
  • I was telling the friend who gave us the carrier that I needed a car seat next.  She said what are you looking for?  I said well, if I had it my way I would get the really nice Britax car seat but I really can't spend that much right now with all that we need for the adoption.  Do you know what she SAID!!  She said we have an extra one we don't need, You can just have it!!!  So, now you have an AWESOME car seat in our car just waiting for you!
  • We had another family that we are friends with and they gave us a jar with all the money the kids had saved up from their chores and they wanted us to have it to help bring you home!!
  • Friends from all over the country have either donated or bought soaps or T-shirts to help us pay for our trip to China to get you!

So, with all that being said we are just about HALF way to paying completely for our trip to come and get you in China!!  $18,500!!

      We should know in just a few weeks the exact date that we will be in China to get you!!!!!

Since this blog is shared with a lot of your family's friends and family we wanted to fill them in on what needs remain and where help is still needed.

Our biggest expense now is travel to China and living in China for 2 weeks.  We need to purchase the international plane tickets and then we have several in country flights.  We need to go to the province in China where Abigail is originally from and then fly down to the bottom of China for the US embassy.  

Our adoption agency has all the hotels picked out so we remain safe and close to all the government offices we need to complete ALL the paperwork to make it officially official!!

We have prayed and asked God to fully fund this adoption!  We are praying that within days or weeks of our traveling that we will be able to say we are FULLY funded.

If you would like to help us out there are a few ways you can do so:
  • Donate airline or hotel points to us.  We can use them to pay for these pretty expensive tickets to China.  Email me if you could help us in this way.
  • Support our fundraising campaigns by visiting  
                      1.  We have coffee available. I am pretty picky about coffee
                            and this is good coffee.
                      2.  We also have some goat milk soap left.  This is AWESOME soap 
                           made here in Indiana!
                      3.  T-Shirts!  We really struggled to pick a good design and
                            we finally all agreed on this one.  

                 Well Abigail, this was a brief look at the summer of 2015 here in your home.  

We can not tell you how much we want to come and get you right now!!  We are so close!!  

Our next letter to you should have the date we are coming to get you!!!  We will show you pictures of your bed and everything that is waiting for you!!

We Love you more than words can say and our hearts just ache to hold you and hug you,

Love Forever and Always,

Your Mommy